Airport Systems - Data analytics for actionable insights on operational performance

TOTAL AIRPORT SOLUTIONS. Advanced analytics is a proven capability across many industries, and more and more airports are seeing its potential to transform operations. At many airports, A-CDM built on top of an airport’s AODB, has been hugely successful, enabling stakeholders to collect data from a single source of truth and work together to improve airside operations. What if advanced data analytics was applied to the huge amounts of data residing in the AODB?

Some 20 years ago, Airport Systems led the way by implementing one of the very first airport operational databases, widely known today as AODB. It has been adopted by a vast majority of airports globally and although it is not visible, it underpins key aspects of the passenger experience and airport business performance. In a mutating industry willing to grow whilst increasing safety, security and implementing social distancing, making sense of the data available becomes crucial for airports to optimize assets and provide passengers with the most enjoyable experience.

Over the years, Airport Systems has constantly brought evolution to its AODB, supporting new technologies or processes such as Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). However, the diversity of data, how it is integrated and its sources held in the AODB often makes it difficult to extract meaningful insight from the data to drive the right operational decisions. To manage unpredictability, airport processes have built-in time buffers to allow for a level of uncertainty in the standard times used for planning, such as taxi times, in-block times, start-up approval times and so on. But this can hold back airports from truly improving operational efficiency, on-time performance and passenger experience.

The Gains
Using advanced analytics on operational data gathered from airside and landside systems such as the AODB, gate, tower and airfield, can take airports beyond collaborative decision making, enable greater situational awareness and predictability in real time, and support Total Airport Solutions. The gains are operational efficiency, on-time performance and a better passenger experience, in addition to considerable cost savings.

The goals
Our airport systems synchronize and manage airport processes and resources, while our suite of advanced analytics solutions will enable airport stakeholders to predict rather than react and become resilient to disruptions. The goals are a more dynamic environment, more predictable and powerful ways to improve operational efficiency, throughput and revenue.

Find out more
>> Download our brochure Total Airport Solution – Data analytics for actionable insights on operational performance,to find how to improve your operational efficiency.
>> Or get in contact with us via our website.

ADB SAFEGATE is a leading provider of solutions that boost efficiency, improve safety and environmental sustainability and reduce operational costs for airports, airlines and ANSP’s. The company works with customers to identify performance bottlenecks and jointly solve them through integrated solutions that improve airport and airline performance. These solutions address every aspect from approach to departure – airport traffic handling and guidance, airfield lighting, tower-based traffic control systems, intelligent gate and docking automation, services and advanced analytics. ADB SAFEGATE has more than 1,100 employees across 45 nationalities in 25 countries, and operates in more than 175 countries, serving more than 2,500 airports globally.