SALALAH, OMAN. ADB SAFEGATE recently executed flight checks as the final step in commissioning the new runway at Salalah International Airport, the second largest airport in the Sultanate of Oman.
The new runway and AGL project is part of a national airport traffic expansion project that the Omani government has initiated to improve the Sultanate’s airport capacity. This is in order to cope with the expected growth in air traffic that will go hand-in-hand with the Sultanate’s plan to increase tourism.
Salalah International Airport is now able to operate with 5 movements per hour during low visibility and up to 35 movements per hour during good visibility, which means that expensive diversions can now be avoided. Salalah prepared for the future, ordering a modular system that can easily be upgraded when additional capacity is needed during bad weather conditions. The airport can easily activate the next module in SafeControl, which will provide additional capacity of around 20 movements per hour. We congratulate Salalah on this success. This is possible when you take a holistic view of the airport and plan ahead.
Salalah is first out of two international airports to be commissioned. The second airport, Muscat, will follow soon, and ADB SAFEGATE has also been chosen as the trusted partner for this airport’s traffic expansion project. Muscat is the largest airport in the Sultanate.
Read more in the Times of Oman.
ADB SAFEGATE is a leading provider of intelligent solutions that deliver superior airport performance from approach to departure. The company partners with airports and airlines to analyze their current setup and operations, identify bottlenecks, and jointly solve them using a consultative approach that enables airports to improve efficiency, enhance safety and environmental sustainability, and reduce operational costs. Our integrated portfolio includes solutions and services that harmonize airport performance, tackling every aspect of traffic handling and guidance, from approach, runway and taxiway lighting, to tower-based traffic control systems, and intelligent gate and docking automation. ADB SAFEGATE has more than 900 employees in more than 20 countries and operates in more than 175 countries, serving more than 2,000 airports.
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