“If you want something new, you have to stop doing the old”. But that’s easier said than done. As someone who’s fairly new to aviation, I’m excited about the opportunities that airports can utilize to solve major challenges around processes and deliver a better passenger experience. COVID-19 has overwhelmed us all, and it’s time we take advantage of new, better and simpler ways to solve aviation’s critical problems.
The World Environment Standing Committee consists of members from all ACI regions and with the aim to develop policies on global aviation environmental issues. At ADB SAFEGATE we´re are proud to announce that Adam Levy is now part of the ACI EUROPE Environmental Strategy Committee as a World Business Partner.
INDIA. Congratulations BIAL! Bengaluru Airport begins operations on the new second runway which will further bolster BLR´s vision to transform the airport into the new gateway to India. It’s been a privilege for ADB SAFEGATE to be part of this great achievement by designing the Airfield Ground Lighting and associated infrastructure as well as providing our portfolio of LED Runway and Taxiway lighting as well as our Control System. To find out more – watch the video from the airport. VIDEO CREDS: Bengaluru (BLR) Airport.
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